Randall knives are well known for their fine workmanship and quality. The are now being made under the supervision of Gary Randall since 1989. The original Randall knife creator W.D. or Bo Randall died in December of 1989. The older Randall knives are worth five to fifteen times their value. They are an excellent investment. Randall knives are not mass produced. Every Randall knife is handmade with patience and care. Randall knives are used primarily by civilians but there are also knives for combat and survival knives.
Bo Randall started making his handmade knives as a hobby. He first found out about handmade knives accidentally in 1937. He saw someone using a handmade knife and was so impressed by it, that he bought it right there. It was a handmade Scagel knife. Scagel was a pioneer in making handmade knives. His knives were not well known back then, but Randall knew a distinctive look and quality when he saw it. Almost all knives were being mass produced at that time, so a handmade knife was a unique product.
Circular Sander
From that moment on Bo Randall decided to make handmade knives that were just as good, or make the best knife he could. Before long he had a shop with a forge and spent a lot of time making knives that he would be proud of and use himself. Randall was an outdoorsman himself and so created knives that worked the way he wanted them to. They were very functional and simple in design. He started selling Randall knives through a clothing store and then to friends and sportsmen that heard of his knives.
When WWII began a sailor asked Randall to make a knife that could be used in close man to man combat. When his friends saw the Randall knife they all placed orders, then their friends and so on. A newspaper reported on the Randall knives used in combat and things went crazy. The hobby turned into a full time business. Orders were arriving addressed only to Knife Man Orlando Florida. It was tempting to go into mass produced knives with so many orders, but Randall stayed firm to his belief and made sure all Randall knives stood for quality and dependability. Especially when so many men in the war were writing him to say how the Randall knife saved their lives.