Before beginning do-it-yourself home improvement projects you need to be sure you have stocked up on tools. You will need less than you might think to get started. All you will need are some of the basic items such as a saw, nails, power tools and sanding equipment.
There are five items you must have if you plan on building or fixing anything. Hardware store shelves are packed with various pieces of equipment. You will find tons of power tools at different prices. The thing to keep in mind is that most of the fancy equipment you see in stores perform the same basic functions. By purchasing five basic things you will have everything to carry you through most of your home improvement projects.
Circular Sander
The first thing you want to get is a circular saw. This is a valuable piece of equipment that you can use to cut in straight lines or large curves. Put a board on top of two sawhorses and you will have a nifty work space where wood can be cut.
When dealing with larger wood working projects you will need a radial arm saw or table saw. If you are interested in cutting picture framing or crown molding for your home, you will need a table saw. These saws will let you make degree miter cuts.
An electric sander is a must have for any efficient workshop. Sanding can be done by hand but an electric sander gives wood a professional look. Table tops and edges will be in good shape for painting.
The fourth item you need is a router. The router is a handy woodworking tool that can be used to make woodworking patterns. Ordinary pieces of furniture can be turned into elegant items. Use routers to create beautiful shapes and grooves.
A grinding wheel or knife sharpener is important for sharpening knives and saws. Proper maintenance of blades will keep them sharp for precise cutting. Well kept, sharp blades also make cutting safer.
Stick with the brands that are known for great quality. Makita, Rigid, Hitachi, Ryobi, Sears Craftsman, Rockler, Rockwell and Snap-On are all top quality brands. Variance of price among these brands is small. All of them offer great service so you can safely choose from the different brands.
As you grow in your building endeavors, you can pick up a few of the non basic items. There are additions and items that simplify certain jobs. Gluers, clamps and electrical nails are handy when you are completing projects on a regular basis. However, in the beginning when you are working on very simple project, you will only need a few bare necessities. Build your workshop accordingly once you are working on more projects. Jump start yourself with the basics.
Cyber Monday Festool RO 90 DX Rotex Sander 2011 Deals
Dec 06, 2011 06:36:21
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Cyber Monday Festool RO 90 DX Rotex Sander Feature
- Switch from sanding with a round pad to a delta-shaped pad in seconds, no tools required
- Aggressive sanding mode is gear-driven and allows quick removal of material or stubborn finishes
- Random orbital mode provides astonishing finish sanding results with ease
- Polishing mode and accessories offer the ability to product a brilliant, gleaming shine on nearly any surface
- Lightweight, ergonomic design well-suited for tight spaces and extended use
Cyber Monday Festool RO 90 DX Rotex Sander Overview
Includes Rotex RO 90 DX 3.5-in Multi-Mode Sander - 571823, 3.5-in StickFix Soft Round Sanding Pad, StickFix V93 Delta Sanding Pad, Edge Protector, Plug-it Cord - 490649, Abrasives Sample Pack, T-Loc Systainer 2 CaseSAVE NOW on Cyber Monday offers below!
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